Wednesday, November 23, 2005

une nouveau genre de le cinema des disatres

it’s kinda interesting all the unrest going down in France at the moment. It’s not like they don’t have it coming for being so damn rude, never mind how they treat their colonized peeps. It should be disgruntled Americans setting cars on fire and lobbing Molotov cocktails. That would be a good movie “Pissed off Americans in Paris”. The movie theme song could be a country version of “We’re not Gonna Take it”.
I always thought that Paris would be an ideal city to stage a disaster film, probably because it would quickly degrade into a comedy when it dawns on them that no one is going to come to save their baggetty asses. It’s always New York that is getting ravaged by Godzilla, Tornados, Ice Ages, and Space Aliens. Paris is a city that never makes it into disaster films, unless you consider Romantic movies to be of that genre, well some are! I would love to see the Eiffel Tower used as an enema by King Kong. Have to get working on the screenplay or at least a blog entry.


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9:23 AM  

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