Friday, December 01, 2006

float on betty

Artist's Comments

i keep getting these annoying reunion flyers in the mail, which are really asking for money. i think why would i want to see these people again when i couldn't stand them the first time around?
anyways, i think i'm trying to get to the bottom of what beauty means in american culture. i am trying to turn traditional subjective nature of the feminine on it's ear. i always find strong females to be particularly threatening to the status quo of a male dominated society. an interesting link or parallel if you will between the worlds of s&m and the homecoming queen is the common exchange of the currency of beauty. it's almost as if this stabalizes the market and drives the system. still, it's with fear and loathing that i approach these subjects because at the same time i realize that the feminine holds some danger to my well being. on some level i am trying to disassemble a sort of bomb.
am trying to understand the world through my art. why does one thing seem appealing or what are we really drawn to and what does that ultimately say about us? how much is programmed and how much innate? why do i find certain forms appealing and why am i always regurgitation them?
i find it hillarious that we live in a puritanical society that still believes the devil is a little dude who lives in the ground with a pointy beard and a pitchfork. i am entrigued how different society has become in the last 40 years. how hard it has become to structure a society that seems bloated on apathy and indifference, but all the while lumbering towards some unforeseeable tragic outcome, driven by a system that basically kills the soul.
i find it interesting that no matter how far i swim, my point of reference will always be los angeles. for seeing the worst in human nature so young casts a grim pall for my later years. how does one embrace normalcy when all one has known is chaos? where does one fit in this vast tract of imagineless yearnings? what is the ultimate aim of this existance? can we really know ourselves and do we really want to?


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